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◆ 防爆电气设备应保持其外壳及环境的清洁,清除有碍设备安全运行的杂物和易燃物品,应指定化验分析人员经常检测设备周围爆炸性混合物的浓度。  ◆设备运行时应具有良好的通风散热条件,检查外壳表面温度不得超过产品规定的最高温度和温升的规定。  ◆设备运行时不应受外力损伤,应无倾斜和部件摩擦现象。声音应正常,振动值不……
※ 防爆电气设备安装前应进行下列检查: ◆设备的型号、规格应符合设计要求;铭牌及防标志应正确,清晰 ◆设备外壳应无裂纹、损伤 ◆接合面的紧固螺栓应齐全,弹簧垫圈等防松设施应齐全完好,弹簧垫圈应压平 ◆密封衬垫应齐全完好,无老化变形 ◆接线板及绝缘件应无碎裂,接线盒盖应紧固 ◆接地标志……
How to apply for CCC Certificate?
※ Data preparation ◆Business license ◆Application form ◆Product drawings (including product specifications, label, circuit diagrams, PCB drawings, gene……
Who can issue  Explosion-proof CCC Certificate?
The following 6 organizations have the qualification to issue Explosion-proof CCC Certificate: 中国质量认证中心(CQC) 方圆标志认证集团有限公司(CQM) 南阳防爆电气研究所有限公司(CNEX) 上海仪器仪表自控系统检验测试所有限公司(NEPSI) 佳木斯防爆电机研究所(JEXM) 沙巴游戏官网新海(天津)认证服务有限公司(PCEC)
Testing standard of CCC certification for explosion-proof electrical equipment
Testing standard of CCC certification for explosion-proof electrical equipment.
Product catalog of explosion-proof CCC certification
According to the announcement issued by the General Administration of market supervision, according to the requirements of the decision of the State Council on further reducing the catalogue of production license management of industrial products and simp
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